Research Projects

District Good Governance Index (DGGI) – Arunachal Pradesh, Gujarat and Maharashtra

Project Info

  • Year of Completion : 2023
  • User Department : DARPG


India’s first “District Good Governance Index (DGGI)” for Districts of UT of Jammu and Kashmir was designed and developed by CGG as knowledge partner to DARPG, Govt. of India. The DGGI helps to identify the impact of various government interventions at District-level and provides a futuristic roadmap for improving District-level governance and service delivery with targeted interventions. The first of its kind in the country project was launched by the Govt. of India and Govt. of J&K on 22nd January 2022.

Following the principles followed in DGGI for Districts of UT of Jammu and Kashmir, the DGGIs for the states of Arunachal Pradesh (10 Sectors and 106 Indicators), Gujarat (10 Sectors and 68 Indicators) and Maharashtra (10 Sectors and 161 Indicators) were prepared and launched.

Hon’ble Chief Minister of Maharashtra released the DGGI of Maharashtra on 05th February 2024 in the presence of senior officials of DARPG, Govt. of India and Govt. of Maharashtra and District Magistrate and Collectors of Maharashtra who joined the launch ceremony virtually. The DGGI of Gujarat was released by the Hon’ble Chief  Minister of Gujarat at the 10th Chintan Shibir, Ekta Nagar, Kevadiya, Gujarat on 21st May 2023. The DGGI of Arunachal Pradesh was released by Secretary DARPG Shri V Srinivas, Secretary DARPG and Chief Secretary of Arunachal Pradesh Shri Dharmendra on 08th June 2023.